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This is the template for individual icon items in tables of contents for The 'Shroom. Should be used within {{ShroomToc}}.

Any icon type
Parameter Description
title* The title of the section. Used as alt-text on the image.
link The section link. Optional: when not set, links to a header with the same name as the title on the current page.
description A blurb describing the listed section.
class Optional parameter to give a CSS class to this item. Primarily for setting team styles on pages other than that team.

* Required

Static image icons
Parameter Description
image* The image to be used as icon. Enter only the filename, without the File: prefix.

* Required

Dynamic image icons
Parameter Description
title-size The CSS font size for the title, if it otherwise doesn't fit on one line. Defaults to somewhere around 15px.
fg-image* The image to be used as foreground subject. Enter only the filename, without the File: prefix.
fg-top The CSS distance from the top of the frame for foreground image. Defaults to -2px.
fg-right The CSS distance from the right of the frame for foreground image. Defaults to -30px.
fg-width The width of the foreground image. Defaults to 150.
bg-image The image to be used as icon background. Enter only the filename, without the File: prefix. If not set, will default to using a shroombg background (this will require class to be set with a 'Shroom colour/theme class).
bg-width The width of the background image. Defaults to 224. Used only with bg-image.
bg-align The side to align the background image to. Format as YX, where Y is t (top), c (centre), or b (bottom), and X is one of l (left), c (centre), or r (centre). Defaults to cr (centre right). Used only with bg-image.

* Required