Template:SMO kingdom

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SMO kingdom
Population {{{population}}} Size {{{size}}}
Locals {{{locals}}} Currency {{{currency}}}
Industry {{{industry}}} Temperature {{{temperature}}}

Usage instructions

Provides info about a kingdom in Super Mario Odyssey.

All rows will disappear if respective variables are not defined. Width is for image only, default 256px.

{{SMO kingdom
|title=the kingdom name (defaults to the article title sans identifier)
|subtitle=the subtitle for the kingdom
|image=a file without "Image:" or "File:" preceding its name (e.g. write "Mario223.jpg")
|width=only use if 256px is an enlargement of the original image 
|area=the area within the kingdom
|area_subtitle=the subtitle for the area
|population=the population of the kingdom
|size=the size of the kingdom
|locals=the locals within the kingdom
|currency=the currency of the kingdom
|industry=the industry for the kingdom
|temperature=the temperature of the kingdom